Sunday, December 29, 2019

Starbuck Coffee Corporation Stands Alone - 1233 Words

There are many companies in the coffee industry, but there is nothing like Starbucks. Starbucks Corporation is an international company of coffee founded in Seattle, Washington in 1971 by Jerry Baldwin, Zev Siegl, and Gordon Bowker. Starbucks has taken a coffee bean and turned it into beverages that people around the world crave. They are the leading competitor in the coffee industry, and our well known for their quality and customer service. Starbucks has changed the world with their products, their pricing, their customer service, and their expansion around the world. Starbucks started in 1971 when the first store was open in Seattle’s Pike Place Market. The three friends, Jerry Baldwin, Zev Siegl and Gordon Bowker got the idea from Alfred Peet, the man who started Peet’s Coffee. They were inspired by his success and wanted to start their own. The store originally just sold coffee beans and coffee equipment. In 1982 a man named Howard Schultz was hired as the director of retail operations and marketing. Schultz then traveled to Italy and saw the popularity of espresso bars in Milan and decides that the store should be selling drinks and not just beans and equipment. He then convinces the founder to test the coffee house concept and in 1984 the first Starbucks Latte was served. Howard then decides to start his own company called II Giornale selling brewed coffee and espressos made from Starbucks coffee beans in 1986. Then in 1987 the owners sell Starbucks to Howard andShow MoreRelatedA Symbol Analysis of Starbucks1728 Words   |  7 Pagescorporate world than one that evokes cravings. The logo for the coffee corporation, Starbucks, is ideal to this standard, no longer standing as a symbol but an icon. Over the companies 41 years history it has changed significantly. The once small-business coffee brewery has expanded itself internationally, deeming itself to the world as the definition of what coffee is. Looking over its history one can see the strategic steps the corporation has taken to develop its logo into a distinct identifier suitedRead MoreGeneral Information / History : Starbucks1062 Words   |  5 PagesInformation/History Starbucks Corporation is a specialty coffee retailer, roaster and marketer internationally. Jerry Baldwin, Zev Siegl and Gordon Bowker established the first stand-alone Starbucks coffeehouse was opened in Seattle, Washington in 1971. In 1987, the original founders sold the company to the present CEO Howard Schultz for $7 million (â€Å"Starbucks Corporation†). 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Having 22,519 retail stores in 67 countries worldwide, Starbucks has grown into the largest coffeehouseRead MoreStrategic Alignment Is A Method For Understanding The Nature Of A Business1646 Words   |  7 Pagesfor the Starbucks Corporation to utilize ‘strategic alignment’, as this approach provides insight to where the company stands from its competitors as well as offers an analysis to the internal and external environment. In addition, the method evaluates aspects such as employee relationships and open communication, competitive analysis and intensive growth strategies and product development that aid in determining the company’s strategies to remain a successful enterprise. With the corporation beingRead MoreStarbucks Corporation : Organizational Context Essay1390 Words   |  6 PagesA. Organizational Context 1. Starbucks Corporation conducts business mainly as Starbucks Coffee Company, and is one of the leading companies in the coffee and snack industry. Since being founded in 1971 in Seattle, Washington, Starbucks has experienced substantial achievements operating as a roaster, marketer and retailer of specialty coffees, while becoming one of the most renowned global retail brand names. By far the largest coffee shop company in the world, operating over 21,000 retail storesRead MoreCase Study : Starbucks Coffee Company1646 Words   |  7 Pages Starbucks Coffee Company The world without coffee is such a tasteless world. Nowadays, coffee is more than popular since it is ubiquitous. Coffee is consumed all over the world, and it is also one of the most crucial produce in world trade. Coffee not only helps people relieve stress, but also makes them feel happier. Many customers, including officers, workers, and students get attracted to coffee due to its unique taste. As a result, more coffee shops are opened every day in this country. 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With an annual growth consistently topping 20%, it is obvious that the company is doing something right. Today, the Starbucks Corporation employs over 182,000 individuals in 19,767 company operated stores that are spreadRead MoreStarbuckss The Coffee Market1837 Words   |  8 PagesStarbucks entered the coffee market in 1971 opening their first retail store in Seattle’s Pike Place Market as a roaster of ground coffee, tea, whole beans, and spices. In 1982, Howard Schultz was appointed operation and marketing retail director. After visiting Italy in 1983, Schultz fascination with Italian coffee bars inspired him to bring a similar type of coffeehouses to the Seattle area. Schultz idea was to offer a plac e where customers can relax, enjoy coffee, and engage in conversationsRead MoreStarbucks Marketing Mix1198 Words   |  5 PagesStarbucks Marketing Mix ï ¿ ½ PAGE * MERGEFORMAT ï ¿ ½1ï ¿ ½ Starbucks Marketing Mix Successful organizations understand the importance of a strong marketing strategy to satisfy customers and sustain growth. Making the right decisions depends on several variables. The purpose of this paper is to describe the four elements of marketing mix and share how Starbucks has implemented an effective and powerful marketing strategy to become the world s largest coffeehouse chain. MARKETING MIX DEFINED A marketing

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Gender And Sexuality Of The Heroine Bathsheba Everdene

Despite being an era defined by its conservatism and strong sense of repression, progressive and subversive notions of gender can indeed be found in Victorian works, including those written by male authors. Thomas Hardy, arguably the most controversial novelist of his time, depicted gender and sexuality in a completely foreign way to Victorian ideals, leading to much of the controversy around him. Though many scholars argue vehemently that he cannot be classified as a feminist writer, it is undeniable that he placed women in roles most authors would not dare to, and openly expressed sexuality in ways that completely ignored the societal rules of Victorian propriety. Through his depiction and support of androgynous character roles and the†¦show more content†¦The performance Bathsheba gives on the back of her horse, riding â€Å"in the manner demanded by the saddle, though hardly expected by the woman,† observed by Gabriel is a pivotal scene in the development of her strength derived from her androgynous nature (Hardy 15). While riding her horse, Bathsheba approaches bramble too low to ride up right underneath it. She checks to see if anyone is around before laying her back against the horse, head resting over the rear, and proceeds to ride underneath. This position shocks and impresses Gabriel, for he is seeing probably for the first time, a woman in a classically male position by straddling the horse and simultaneously in the position of a woman by laying back against it. Much in the way of her being a female farmer, in this moment Bathsheba is operating somewhere in the middle of the gender spectrum. However, it is not just Hardy’s heroine that portrays his unconventional ideas of gender, but his male protagonist Gabriel Oak, also demonstrate his promotion of androgynous identities. Boldwood and Troy, two of Bathsheba’s suitors inflict their gaze upon her in order to own her, a fact she is keenly aware of when she says â€Å"I hate to be thought of men’s property in that way,† in her open disagreement to marriage (26). The superficiality of Troy’s gaze, which is constantly rooted in Bathsheba being an object, is made grossly apparent, when he is looking upon the corpse of his lover Fanny Robin and turns to his then

Friday, December 13, 2019

Jane Eyre Persuasive Essay Free Essays

Junie Jeong Mrs. Mesdjian English 2 H 21 February 2013 Jane Eyre Persuasive Essay In the novel Jane Eyre, our protagonist Jane faces many difficult situations that can be solved by different solutions. In one specific situation, Jane is faced with a complicated problem that demands her to decide either to marry Mr. We will write a custom essay sample on Jane Eyre Persuasive Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now Rochester and live comfortably while feeling personally restricted or to leave Rochester and start a sudden life on her own. Jane eventually decides to leave Mr. Rochester and runs away from Thornsfield, going through many trials and tribulations and eventually marries Rochester in the end. Although many people may feel that Jane’s runaway was inconvenient and unnecessary because the end result was similar, I believe that Jane’s journey away from Thornsfield was important and significant to her. Many people believe that Jane would have saved time and energy if she had married Rochester instead of running away on their wedding day. This can hold to be very reasonable because Jane’s runaway resulted in several bad omens such as the Thornsfield mansion burning, the struggles of her friends and relatives to try and find her, and the unhappiness of her acquaintances, such as Adele. In the book, Bronte even writes about Adele’s unhappiness while at school; â€Å"Her frantic joy at beholding me again moved me much. She looked pale and thin: she said she was not happy. (Bronte 173)† One can possibly argue that these events could have been avoided if Jane had not run away and married Mr. Rochester on the spot. It is true that Jane could have saved much time, energy, and heartbreak if she decided to go along with the marriage on her wedding day. But sometimes, wasting time, energy, and going through heartbreak is necessary in order for a certain outcome. When Jane left Thornsfield, she was in a fragile emotional state—confused, betrayed, and still not confident in herself and her status, both as a woman and economically. Her childhood had left her scarred, thinking she was a person who would and could not receive love from others, so she could not love others in return. You never felt jealousy, did you, Miss Eyre? Of course not: I need not ask you; because you never felt love. (Bronte 137)† Jane’s journey away from Thornsfield helped to slowly change that and build her confidence—the fact that she had people who loved her and had friends who enjoyed her company soon hit her with realization and helped her understand that she was a person who deserved love too. If Jane had married before she realized this, she would have felt uncomfortable and restricted living with Mr. Rochester, always thinking that she â€Å"owed† him for loving her, and that she was not deserving of his love. If this mindset were constantly to be in Jane’s mind, it would result in an unhappy atmosphere for Jane and eventually an unhappy Jane. Whereas, in the ending, Jane lives happily with Rochester knowing that they are equals. From the moment Jane was born, she believed that there were no other relatives besides her—and that she was alone ever since Mrs. Reed had raised her. Jane had always wished for a family, someone else to be there other than her. When Jane runs away from Thornsfield, she quickly resorts to begging, and the Rivers take Jane in and care for her. Later on in the story, she finds out that the Rivers are Jane’s relatives—something Jane has wanted ever since she was a child. When Jane is brought with news that she has other family, she decides to split her new fortune into equal parts with all her new relatives, something she also treasured, which proved how thankful she was for her new family. †¦. cannot at all imagine the craving I have for fraternal and sisterly love. I never had a home, I never had brothers or sisters; I must and will have them now†¦ (Bronte 413)†. When it comes to making right decisions, I believe Jane made the correct one when she left Thornsfield. There may have been many difficult times she had to suffer through, but the end results all paid off when she lived the happy ending she had always wished for. Other people may disagree and mention that the end result was the same, and that Jane put herself and others through too much because of her decision, that may be true, but in return everyone found happiness and got something even better in return. If she had never left, she may not have been able to find her cousins, a real gift she had been yearning for ever since she was young. I believe the decision Jane made in the story helped her reach the best personal level she could reach, and she gained happiness she would not have been able to gain through her pains. How to cite Jane Eyre Persuasive Essay, Essays

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Bronze Age Essay Example For Students

Bronze Age Essay THE BRONZE AGE The Bronze Age began in 2800 and lasted till 1050BC. This was almost 2000 years ago. This time period started to replace the use of stone and iron with bronze. The development of trading began with the Aegean and Mediterranean regions. Crete was responsible for major development during the Bronze Age. Their society was based on structures of extravagant places. The Minoans for the next 500 years had had the power in the Aegean but by 1450BC they were over run by the Mycenaean’s which was an important place of the time. They ruled for 500 more years. THE TROJAN LEGENDS Homer is the first and greatest writer of all Greek literary form known as the Epic. People referred to his works for information and about this specific form. Homer’s name will always be linked with the Trojan War because Homer wrote about the conflict between the Trojans and the return vogues of the Greek leaders. He is known for telling us the whole story of the Trojan War but that’s not true. There are plenty of other writers of what’s called the epic cycle who also wrote about the Trojan War which is not noted in Homer’s writing. The epic cycle is a series of stories from ancient Greece. The epic cycle focuses on the Trojan War. Besides the illade and the odyssey, the Trojan War stories include * Kypria * Aithiopus * Little illiad * The sack of illion * The return of reigns Heros; and * Telegony All the stories combined, contribute to the story of the Trojan War. DISCOVERY OF TROY There have been many people that have had a part in the discovery of the city of Troy. Some include, Frank Calvert, Heinrich Schliemann, William Dorpfield, Carl Belgen and Manfred Korfman. Frank Calvert was a British archeologist. He started his work in the town of Hissarlik in Turkey. He was positive the city of Troy was located beneath the city. Seven yeas later after Frank Calvert’s arrival, the German archeologist, Heinrich Schliemann commenced his own excavation. He was a wealthy man and was able to organize his own digs. He first started at the city of Hissarlik. This was a long and stressful process. He hired 160 workers. They removed over 325,000 cubic yards of soil. For all this excavation there were some rewards. Heinrich found several cities on top of each other, but one of them had evidence of burning and destruction. He came to the conclusion that he did find the Troy of Homer’s stories. However, Heinrich also managed to destroy some city remains in the process. Heinrich also had his sets on the Treasure of Prim. This was a room which consisted of all sorts of jewellery. Some included earrings, bracelets, rings and much more. It was estimated that there was up to 8,700 pieces of treasure. It can be said that although Heinrich destroyed many findings, he also uncovered a large part of the city of Troy. William Dorpfield was next on the scene. He ended up discovering 2 more cities. He also found large houses, defensive walls and watch towers. Carl Belgan was able to dig in areas where it had been untouched by previous excavators. He ended up discovering that Troy VI was destroyed by earthquakes and that the houses were poorly built. He also learnt that the city was burnt after 30 years of inhabitance. Manfred Korfman was the most recent person to conduct his excavation of the area. This was in 1988. He too, managed to excavate areas that had been untouched. Heinrich started to excavate at Mycenae as well. This was according to him, the home of Agamemnon the leader of the Greeks. .u918385c8262fbd2e30a9a8ebbd95c569 , .u918385c8262fbd2e30a9a8ebbd95c569 .postImageUrl , .u918385c8262fbd2e30a9a8ebbd95c569 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u918385c8262fbd2e30a9a8ebbd95c569 , .u918385c8262fbd2e30a9a8ebbd95c569:hover , .u918385c8262fbd2e30a9a8ebbd95c569:visited , .u918385c8262fbd2e30a9a8ebbd95c569:active { border:0!important; } .u918385c8262fbd2e30a9a8ebbd95c569 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u918385c8262fbd2e30a9a8ebbd95c569 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u918385c8262fbd2e30a9a8ebbd95c569:active , .u918385c8262fbd2e30a9a8ebbd95c569:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u918385c8262fbd2e30a9a8ebbd95c569 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u918385c8262fbd2e30a9a8ebbd95c569 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u918385c8262fbd2e30a9a8ebbd95c569 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u918385c8262fbd2e30a9a8ebbd95c569 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u918385c8262fbd2e30a9a8ebbd95c569:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u918385c8262fbd2e30a9a8ebbd95c569 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u918385c8262fbd2e30a9a8ebbd95c569 .u918385c8262fbd2e30a9a8ebbd95c569-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u918385c8262fbd2e30a9a8ebbd95c569:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: David hume 2 EssayHomer had described this city as the ‘rich in gold’. He uncovered a circle of shaft graves. This was found with 15 skeletons covered in gold. Heinrich thought that there were kings and at the bottom was a gold mask on a skeleton which was thought to be Agamemnon’s. However evidence proved this was not the case. The Linear 13 tablets came about by accident. The inscriptions on them were preserved due to natural disasters. They have been dated to the Mycenaean period of 1600-1200BC. The inscription describes such things like economy – in particular wheat and barley. The tablets of Pylos however, mention things such as ‘men watching the coastline’, as well as reference to military equipment and chariots. Some tablets mentioned officials. These gave us clues regarding the Trojan War. According to Homer’s Iliad, the Trojan War began because of Helen’s abduction. The llliad mentions a heroic age and the need for the army to defend enemies. This was an age where the men fought and the women married to have more babies. After the destruction of Troy, the remaining women and children were sold into slavery and the men killed. However, if you were from a powerful family, there were political, military and economical advantages. The Hittites were a fierce civilization. Their time period was in the late Bronze Age, this means they existed in the same time period as the Mycenaean’s. Their scripture were also preserved on clay tablets, they were called cuneiform. HELEN OF TROY Helen of Troy maybe the most famous Greek woman in history. It was her abduction by the Trojan, Paris that began the war of Troy. Helen was a demi-god. A female hero worshiped at shrines in the regions of the Mediterranean. Helen is sometimes not considered human by some scholars. She is described as a mortal with a natural-goddess face. FUNCTION OF MYTH Like most other mythological traditions, Greek myths served several purposes. First, Greek myths explained the world. Second, they acted as a means of exploration. Third, they provided authority and legitimacy. Finally, they provided entertainment. Greek myths lent structure and order to the world and explained how the current state of things had come about. Myths helped worshipers make sense of a religious practice by telling how the practice originated. Myths were used through difficult territory, examining contradictions and ambiguities. For instance, Homer’s Iliad explores the consequences during the Trojan War of the Greek leader Agamemnon’s decision to deprive one of the warrior’s prizes of a female slave. This warrior feels that Agamemnon has assailed his honor but wonders how far he should go in getting back at him. One of t his poem’s themes explores the limits of this. TROJAN WAR – FACT OR FICTION Because of all the past discoveries, I believe it is now more likely than not that there were several armed conflicts in and around Troy at the end of the Late Bronze Age. We do not know whether all or some of these conflicts were collected in later memory into the Trojan War or whether there was an especially memorable, single Trojan War. Whatever the case, everything currently points that Homer should be taken seriously, that his story of a military conflict between Greeks and the people of Troy is based on a memory of historical events whatever these may have been. In conclusion, if someone came up to me and asked if the Trojan War DID happen, my response, after studying the material would be: why not?